Thursday, January 15

Martha's Sailor

A careful man with careful hands
Walked down to the uncareful sea.
He cocked his chin, then touched the wind
To feel how the sailing might be.

The careful man with careful hands
Sat soundly on the docks.
Upon his lap with compass and map
He calculated knots.

The careful hand of the careful man
Moved crisply debonair.
He traced with pen--and traced again--
The route he chose to fare.

The careful man with careful hands
In full assessed his boat.
He checked barometers, gauges, thermometers,
And retied all the rope.

The careful hands of the careful man
At last pushed out to sail,
But for all his care he said a prayer
As night brought sudden gale.

The careful man and his careful hands
Sank deep in the uncareful seas.
With storm a-roll, up rose his soul
As he carefully rested in peace.